Broad Band Light

Sciton BBL

The Sciton BBL (Broad Band Light) is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulse Light) system. Hundreds of different colours of light penetrate the skin with each flash. The light targets unwanted pigmentation, redness, sun spots and freckles. Treatment leads to an even and fresher skin complexion. Regular Sciton BBL treatment also keeps skin healthy and slows the visible sign of ageing.

  • BBL is short for Broad Band Light and is a the most advanced form of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). BBL improves skin complexion and slows down skin ageing.

    Sciton BBL is an advanced skin treatment with the following benefits:

    Clearing pigmentation

    Reducing facial redness

    Rejuvenation photofacials

    Treatment of rosacea

    Treatment of acne

  • Each session lasts from a haff hour to an hour. The length of time depends on the type of treatment and the size of the area.

    It is possible to see a difference after one treatment, but a series of treatments is usually required. Treatment plans depend on the type of skin problem and how much improvement the patient wants. The provider may combine the Sciton BBL treatments with other therapies to enhance any improvements given by the BBL.

    A course of 3 to 6 treatments is generally initially needed to correct the skin from pigmentation and redness. Each treatment is given once every 4 weeks.

    Schedule a consultation to determine a treatment plan that is best for you.

  • During the procedure, the patient is fitted with safety glasses to protect their eyes. As the handpiece is passed over the skin, they may feel a sensation like a rubber band being snapped against the skin. There is no lingering discomfort afterwards.

    This is discussed during the consultation.

  • For most individuals, there is minimal downtime, and you can apply make-up and sunblock immediately and get on with day-to-day activities.

    However, the patient will be given instructions for their aftercare, and it’s important that the instructions be followed. For example, the patient should avoid the sun for a period of days and use a powerful sunscreen if they must go outdoors. A sunscreen with SPF of 30 or even higher is recommended.

  • BBL-treated skin appears healthier and more youthful than untreated skin. BBL-treated skin continues to appear healthier and more youthful in those people that are getting regular BBL treatments.

    *Individual results may vary

  • Sciton BBL is a treatment for anyone with sun damage, sun pigmentation and redness, and signs of ageing that they would like to improve. BBL is also for those who want to actively reduce skin ageing and keep their skin healthy looking.

    Scition BBL is a safe and effective treatment for younger patients in their 20’s and 30’s who have maintained their skin and would like their skin to keep looking healthy. In this way, it supplements sunscreen by slowing down the ageing process.

    Scition BBL is also popular among middle-aged patients with skin issues that cause an uneven complexion. However, it is also suitable for those with healthy skin who have looked after their skin and want to keep their skin healthy and slow down ageing of the skin.

    Sciton BBL is a safe consideration for those with darker skin types who wish to maintain their skin and slow down the ageing process. This includes those of Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern and Hispanic descent.